With the authority vested in me I hereby appoint Namo as a Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas.
- @Swamy39 while u r at it can u put pappu in the category he deserves
- @Swamy39 Meds doctor. You forget'em again.
- @Swamy39 oh dear! Be prepared for twitter attack now :D
- @Swamy39 wonder, shouldn't he be a kshatriya.
- @Swamy39 excellent. Though does not mean anything real, but symbolic of the great karma-based chaturvarna
- @desitweet @Swamy39 Pappu belongs to group Insecta ;) not in mammals yet
- @Swamy39 why not kshatriya?
- There :-) Its so simple. “@Swamy39: With the authority vested in me I hereby appoint Namo as a Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas.”
- @rkghadai : Precisely. I have also recognised Ambedkar as a Pandit and de- recognised Nehru.
- WHOA, a Brahmin bigot woke up! "@Swamy39 With the authority vested in me I hereby appoint Namo as Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas"
- @Swamy39 sir, honoured to get your reply for first time. Yes, BJP should take away Ambedkar completely, with the honour he deserves
- @nviswam @Swamy39 @rkghadai Hard to find even 1% of Brahmin in Nehru..therefore, we PTs regard him #Mallecchha
- _/\_ Murkhulo Palu rakhalu “@Swamy39: With the authority vested in me I hereby appoint Namo as a Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas.”
- Hey Ram! o.0 -> RT @Swamy39 With the authority vested in me I hereby appoint Namo as a Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas.
- @Swamy39 I will put him in Kshatriyas.. as he is a real fighter and conqueror..
- It's sad when dementia gets this severe MT @Swamy39 With the authority vested in me I appoint Namo a Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas
- @Swamy39 Most idiotic and stupid thing.. Brahmin is NOT a corporate post for you to appoint or remove.. you yourself is NOT a brahmin
- Yaay! *wipes tears of joy* "@Swamy39: With the authority vested in me I hereby appoint Namo as a Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas.”
- If NDA falls short of majority and they seek Mayawati's support will @Swamy39 anoint her as a Brahmin too.
- RRRROOOOOOFFFFFFLLLLLL “@Swamy39: With the authority vested in me I hereby appoint Namo as a Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas.”
- @MarwariChoro we can comfortably say he is a Brahma-Kshatriya :)@Swamy39
- @Swamy39 Varna is by BIRTH. Check out @Hinduism4u's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Hinduism4u/status/464595438528905216 …
- @Swamy39 "achara-hinam na punanti vedah" - brahmin varna defined by acharam. only then vedas.. without acharams, not eligible to learn vedas
- @TweetinderKaul is @Swamy39 a parody account? Of is he his own parody!
- @Swamy39 the uproted urban and NRI hindus should stop distorting and destroying our dharma.. leave the varnashrama alone
- ha ha. what authority Mr. @Swamy39 With the authority vested in me I hereby appoint Namo as a Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas.
- With the authority invested in me,I hereby declare @Swamy39 a Kanndiga Brahmin,elevating him into the highest circle of Brahmincial virtue.
- @Mukesh7009 @Swamy39 I'm also Brahmin ... I have the Ghanti Bajana authority :-)
- @Mukesh7009 Authority to talk nonsense and still think of himself as an intellectual. Is bemari ka Koi ilaaj Nahi hai. @Swamy39
- @rupasubramanya @Swamy39 I thought that spot was already taken by Palakkad Vadamma Brahmins.
- Hahahahahahahahahaha“@Swamy39: With the authority vested in me I hereby appoint Namo as a Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas.”
- @rupasubramanya No, no! Your's wont work! Only @Swamy39 & men can do that!
- @rupasubramanya @Swamy39 lol ! This Brahmin superiority complex is amazing...each group thinks itself to be The superior ;)
- ロープル。。ハハ RT “@Swamy39: With the authority vested in me I hereby appoint Namo as a Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas.”
- @rupasubramanya @Swamy39 But, which Brahminic gunas and which Brahmin is he talking about? Palakkad, Kannadiga, Telugu, Gujrati, Banarasi?
- @Narendramodi might hav brahmin gunas.But it cannot make him a brahmin.Its destined by BIRTH.Birth decided=> Vocation/Karma-> GunA.@Swamy39
- C.C. @narendramodi now stop being OBC @Swamy39 Withauthority vested in me. I hereby appoint Namo as Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas.
- This is the filth you are endorsing, India. "Brahminical gunas" - Caste supremacy still exists & will be glorified more. @Swamy39
- @Mukesh7009 @Swamy39 काल्पनिक शक्तियो का प्रयोग ही करना था तो भगवान ही कह देते जात पात धर्म अगड़ा पिछ्ड़ा सारा टंटा ही निबट जाता :))
- @nativethoughts @Swamy39 dr swamy is correct-even manusmruti says not by Janma but karma should decide the varna,this way one can introspect
- @Swamy39 This tweet, sir, will be today's cannon fodder for the TRP craving news channels
- dear @Swamy39 both Ram & Krishna were Kashtriyas but some clever brahmin Manu declared brahmins as highest caste. Modi is non a kashtriya
- @RRaverkar manusmriti never says it.. dont spread lies.. infact manusmriti defines birth as criteria for varna @Swamy39
- @RRaverkar pls read about anuloma and pratiloma marriages defined by manu smriti.. as per that @Swamy39 had done anuloma marriage
- @Hinduism4u @narendramodi @Swamy39 Chatur varnam maya srishtam; Guna karma vibagasah. Where does birth come in this? Read Gita
- “@Swamy39: With the authority vested in me I hereby appoint Namo as a Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas.”RT
- @MarwariChoro @Swamy39 a person is all,when he thinks of God he is brahamin,fighting for duty, kshatriya
- @masilan : Recognised her and Kanshi Ram as Brahmins in 1989 when JP and BSP had an alliance for LS election.It is a sarcasm about Varna
- By the power of Grayskull RT @Swamy39 With the authority vested in me I hereby appoint Namo as a Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas.
- . @Swamy39 So you don't believe in Varnas or the concept of belonging to a varna by the mere virtue of being born in a particular one.
- @Swamy39 who are we to appoint or certify someone as brahmin ?.Isnt their previous karma which decides their birth in a varna?.
- @BabaGlocal why the fuck does it even matter to @Swamy39 if Modi is not Brahmin?Fuck him,fuck Manu & the #apartheid called the caste system!
- @nativethoughts @Swamy39 what to say about brahamins who drink lique and eat meat only by taking birth can not b the basis .
- @SardaarKhan pls have some pity on likes of @Swamy39 . Most great Hindu kings like Ashoka rejected Hinduism due to violence.
- @Swamy39 No doubt..If a lower caste person has brahminical qualities he should b appreciated & revered. U cannot convert him as brahmin
- @dixitnamrata @rupasubramanya @Swamy39 where merit is worshipped there lies progress prosperity & happiness..brahmin is a superior thinker
- @Swamy39 You mean non-Brahmins have no 'gunas' ?
- *Pass the joint* "@Swamy39: With the authority vested in me I hereby appoint Namo as a Brahmin since he has Brahminical gunas."
- @singhsd2006 @gsurya point is when main Hindu Gods, Ram & Krishan, were non brahmins then how could brahmin be highest caste? @Swamy39
- @NikhilMoreV As Brahmin, you get to wear a magical godly thread that binds your mind and dress provocatively.
@Swamy39 @bprerna
- @Swamy39 sir with the authority vested in you please appoint me as Shipla Shetty ji's husband I also have many gunas 29.75 to be exact
- @RRaverkar achara-hinam na punanti vedah - those who violate acharam should be kicked out.. kings has to do it.. @Swamy39
- . @Swamy39 Please appoint your son in law also like this
- @singhsd2006 @Guri02 @gsurya @Swamy39 ;Why create confusion draw moral authority for revival from "Guru Govind Singh Saheb Ji" Dasam Patasha
- @dixitnamrata @rupasubramanya @Swamy39 naxlites worship mediocrity anarchy & ignorance. The Enlightened r Brahmins..rest beasts
- @Swamy39 I thought only Banias wore vests?
- @singhsd2006 @gsurya @Swamy39 Caste division destroyed unity of India in ancient past, Hinduism must reject caste system to succeed.
- @RRaverkar birth + acharam collectively defines brahmin.. neither birth alone, neither acharam alone.. @Swamy39
- @Swamy39 "janmanā jāyate shūdrah samskārāt dvija uchyate" Everyone is born a shūdra. With good conduct, he becomes called a brāhmin.
- @Swamy39 is right. Varna is not by birth but by guna. I now unfollow @Hinduism4u Shame!
- @BabaGlocal The authority vested in my hand, I hereby announce @Swamy39 as a lunatic. LOL
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