Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Hindu Foundation

  1. Since now has a negotiated designation in 'The Hindu Foundation'will not speak ill about Mount Road Moa paper & will continue
  2. The Hindu Centre was my initiative so that we could create another platform, it doesn't change my stand re: the newspaper
  3. Anyways Madam, am not as educated nor a celebrity like you. But can understand how deeply readers of 'The Hindu' are hurt.
  4. Your personal attack on me was unnecessary. Everyone lives by their own sense of ethics so respect that!
  5. hahaha so when readers ask Qs its personal attach & when u do same other ppl celebrity its morality?Shame
  6. Ordinary readers are not from higher society like , she belongs to niche of the society, 'The Hindu'family
  7. correct shd not teach Morality, y cant she & Board take stand on SidV occupying post illegally? Silent 4 Money&Post?
  8. 1 female askd a journo of bengal orign in TN to leav a restaurant as he works undr her. feudalistic?
  9. his mistak was he was present when the director of hindu was present in taj coromandal hotel chennai
  10. Not working under Sid V, not by a long shot. Get your facts right, Am on a new platform independent of the paper
  11. Congrats Maliniji for becoming Hindu Editor.. She is a fine example for flowering humanism..
  12. congrats & hope u will accept the feedback , criticism from readers like me :)
  13. Of course,that is one of the lessons of all these episodes, that we need to listen to our readers

    Need your appointment, whenever you can give me.

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